现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会


Contractors have typically defaulted to manual labour in job scenarios where it's not practical to bring in a full-sized excavator or loader. However, 由于劳动力短缺, 许多人转向小型挖掘机和装载机, 哪些能提供令人惊讶的生产力水平. 

在本期的专家角, we spoke with two of 韦德娱乐1946's compact equipment specialists - Matt Chatters, Regional Sales Manager for our compact line of equipment based in Alberta, 和弗朗索瓦·罗伊, 东区大客户经理. Below, they share how their customers take advantage of this rapidly-growing equipment category.



Finding enough workers to match the workload is one of the top challenges for contractors, and few can afford to expend that precious resource on time-consuming manual tasks. Many are turning to compact equipment to bring machinery productivity to places where traditional equipment could never go.

François: 现实情况是目前人力短缺, 承包商正在寻找解决方案. There is a wide range of applications with tight spaces where you can't use a traditionally-sized excavator, so having equipment that meets many different job site situations has become more important than ever. 

Matt: I think compact equipment is one of the fastest-growing segments of the construction equipment market. 它已经存在一段时间了, but people now realize that as we do more and more building on sites where space is at a premium, 这些小型机器效率很高,生产率很高.  


The unique jobs and applications that call for compact equipment are long and varied. Accordingly, compact equipment is incredibly versatile, with a full range of tools and accessories. 

Matt: 每个人似乎都在使用小型设备. 我们看到一般承包商的用例, 园艺工人, 地下的承包商, 拆迁公司, 我们在工业领域看到了这一点, 商业, 和住宅. 

François: 我们看到了一些意想不到的用途. I had a call from an organization looking for a small excavator that they could drop at remote sites to do maintenance work. 所以它必须可以用直升机运输. 我们提供了 竹内TB210,重达1000公斤. After they had tried it out and seen its power, they purchased even more units. 


Manual work on construction sites can often be categorized as dull, dirty, 和危险的, 安全是最重要的问题. Compact equipment is well suited for work in tight and precarious spaces where you wouldn't want to send a worker with a shovel.

François: There are a lot of rules and restrictions when you work in a tight space. 例如, 在住宅应用方面, 我们看到郊区的地块越来越小, 也就是说要在地段线附近的狭小空间里挖吗. So instead of sending a couple of workers to do shovelling in the trench, 越来越多的承包商使用紧凑型挖掘机来完成这项工作.

人们也使用我们的混合动力机器, which run on electricity, for tunnels and spaces where you don't want people breathing exhaust. 混合动力车也适用于室内拆除. 例如, you can remove interior walls in a hospital without shutting down the whole facility. 也可以用货梯运输小型挖掘机. 


紧凑的设备就其体积而言重量很大, and people are often surprised by the power and durability of this class of equipment. 

Matt: One of the things people don't realize about the compact track loaders is how much traction force the machines have and how much they can push and lift. And the comment I get about the compact excavators is that they punch way above their pay grade. 也有人说它们像坦克一样. These machines are a well-built option for getting a lot of productivity in the field. 


Compact equipment is similar in operator look and feel to the larger sized equipment, 允许直接过渡. Therefore, operators are excellent judges of what the equipment can do on their job sites. 

François: Takeuchi设备的控制与大型挖掘机类似, 杠杆的位置也差不多, 使操作员在机器之间切换更容易. 

Matt: 设备的规格会告诉你一定的数量, 但我觉得如果你想要一台机器, you need to let your operator try out the equipment and talk with people who own them. There are so many models and options to choose from; taking the time to find the right machine to best support the unique needs of your business will go a long way. 所以我希望把机器放在人们面前. 



Compact equipment fills a niche for many scenarios where space and labour are at a premium. The equipment is highly versatile and delivers performance that a seasoned operator would expect to rely on. SMS设备提供并支持 竹内线 小型设备. 


韦德娱乐1946, we believe that trying out the equipment is the best way to understand its potential. 我们销售和支持 竹内紧凑型设备线 横跨加拿大和阿拉斯加, making it easy for our customers to engage with us to discover how this growing class of equipment can best meet their needs. 


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